Thursday, January 31, 2019
Life on Mars as a human :: essays research papers
"PLANET MARS, POPULATION 13,000", says the sign at the entrance of Mars, a "blink-and-youll-miss-it" dot on the map of the solar system. Its a perfect legend book planet only six sets of traffic lights for our hover cars, a main street where you can say hello to any of the friendly, tattling(a) beings nearby, lots of blazing rocks and a beautiful big canyon with an over-looking crimson sky. One thing a person from the planet would notice instantly, away from the abundance of red rock and my planets obsession with leaning buildings, is the fact that great deal of different races, other than green, stand show up like flashing lights in a dark sky. See, the thing with Mars is the percentage of green beings is rough 95 per cent. Dont get me wrong in principle, at that places nothing wrong with that. Im just now stating the facts. Given that my mother is Human and my father is from Uranus, however, I really stood show up in Mars. For someone so physically and cu lturally distinctive, you may call up that a small planet would be terrible to live in. But, for me, the lie with was the total opposite. I never acknowledged my racial difference because no one else did. The only times I felt slightly out of place or uncomfortable was during discussions about different cultures at school. Id everlastingly take a crap this feeling that everyone was thinking about me and looking at me, inquire if I lived like the people we were discussing or not. To make myself feel snap off, I just thought of it as flattery. As their only real behavior subject, they could feel free to ask me questions. In my experience, being a nonage is only a negative thing if you allow it to be. I didnt demonstrate to be someone I wasnt, so my race never did matter. many an(prenominal) people have blamed a lot of their problems on racism, stereotypes, and discrimination. Unfortunately, there are times when that is the reason. In some cases, however, people make it into a reason. They become so obsessed with the thought that anyone who is this or that is the problem. I have three words for them, just drop it. Stop making to a greater extent problems, we already have enough. Sometimes the solar system would be better off colour blind. At times, I have been called an apple, green on the outside and white on the inside.
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Life and Debt Response
Life and Debt Response Paper Taylor Sun 9/29/2011 St. Johns University globalisation has been a controversial topic for decades fol embarrasseded by the industrialization. The debate of whether it is positive or negative for the human pelt along has caused much divergence, consequently atomic number 82 to gigantic conflicts between different cultures, nations, and peoples. Although globalisation brought convenience to the lives of a few on a daily basis in the industrialized countries, it also brought well-nigh world power monopolies controlling the trade system, attemptation of workers in maturation countries, and victimizing the societies that ar unable to self sustain.In the 21st century, signs of globalization are everywhere, in both industrialized and developing countries. When you take a imbibe into that freshly picked coconut brought home from a local supermarket, do you take of the farmers in Malaysia that had grown the tree, the Japanese operated shipping company that had f moon the cargo to the get together States, or the American manufacture company that had packaged the delicious fruit, and had delivered it to the supermarket ascend you for your convenience?Or, every term you get ready and put on your brand new sneakers that you had just purchased from a department store do you think of the shoelaces make in Mexico, sowed together in the sweatshops in China, and the British founded brand that designed your sneakers? My guess is no. We as the privileged ones do non recognize these traces of globalization any much in our everyday lives, because we are so accustomed to the way of life made possible by globalization.However, the less fortunate ones in the other parts of the world attempt everyday to make ends meet with go forth enjoying the benefits of globalization, but rather they are the legal age that are sacrificed in the process of making the lives of a few effortless and comfortable. Before viewing the film Life and Debt, like most people, I had never re every last(predicate)y thought ab bulge the pros and cons of globalization either, but subsequently watching this documentary, I was stunned at how globalization can shine peoples lives in such a negative way.In the film, self-aggrandizing corporations and organizations such as the man administer Organization and the knowledge domain Bank act as antagonists for the Jamaican economy and its people. Take c at onception Bank for example idealistically, debt assistance would be given to the low kale countries by the World Bank. It is countries like Jamaica that the World Bank should have a fundamental position to engage in recreation by working(a) with governing bodys, and guaranteeing a strong authority and control. If these programs are non carried out, attracting overseas and municipal investment would be more complicated and difficult therefore, globalization would accrue on itself.But is that really the case? According to the documentary, Ja maica currently owes more than $4. 5 billion to the IMF, the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, and some(prenominal) other leading loan companies in the world. The significant advance that these loans have set out to accomplish has not yet, and probably never would deliver its purpose. In the film, the World Bank has been portrayed as a deceiving and misleading world power, magisterial the world economy with almost absolute control.Because Jamaica needed the loan so urgently from the lending agencies, that the agencies were able to negotiate a mutually right relationship with the Jamaican government. Jamaica had no choice but to settle and count to terms with the new deal that the World Bank has offered. The deal was of superior interest, too high of an interest to be paid off by just relying on the Jamaican economys exchanges. It is also of low wages for workers in hope to increase the employment rate, too low of wages to make ends meet for these workers.This alm ost forces the Jamaican government to roll to foreign trades to barely attain its income. This situation also gave opportunities to the large companies to exploit the workers with less than minimum wages. If the people are in poverty essay to put food on the table, how can there be slumber and prosperity? Poverty and violence almost always come in pairs. Efficient legal systems and a healthy financial system are crucial to the success of a nation and its economy. If Jamaica doesnt get out of the debt crisis somehow, it can never advance into a prosperous nation.The World treat Organization plays another key role in this phenomenon that is not sole(prenominal) taking place in Jamaica, but also occurring in some(prenominal) other countries in ontogeny. It has almost become a global government in the sense of regulating the entire worlds merc turn overise systems, controlling the wealth travelling in and out of countries. In auberge for the Jamaicans to change this system of i nvisible power over their now independent country, Jamaica must earn the volume of the vote in the World Trade Organization to gain permission to alter the balance of the trading system.The majority of the votes are held in European nations whom are benefiting from the devastating situation of the Jamaicans. The region of votes each country hold are determined by the repair and size of its economy. The United States being the largest economy in the world holds as many a(prenominal) as 17% of entire worlds votes, making it the single largest vote holder. Japan comes in second, followed by Germany being third. This is exhalation to be a never ending cycle that the Jamaicans wont ever be able to get out of without some human body of policy change or outside assistance.With this situation, Jamaica became a nation forever cast in the shadows of debt. Without denying its contributions, globalization has brought the world better access to goods that were not even imaginable before its existence. It brought competition to the market therefore decrease the price for consumers. It gave numerous opportunities for business to flourish and brought wealth and prosperity to many nations. It is the beginning form of a new world order for kindliness to get up and advance as a single subject. As we all know, no plan is perfect. In the process of executing this ideal of globalization, many nations are sabotaged as well.Poverty, violence, corruption, unemployment, large disparity between the rich and poor, and underdevelopment of educational activity and health care systems are the defects of globalization just to name a few. Although injustice and inequality almost come hand in hand with the practice of globalization, but can we really abolish it at once? From a morality stand point, globalization is no different from owning slaves in the sense of forcing less privileged people from developing countries to work for large monopolies, with disproportionate wages for the workers in contrast to the profit that these ompanies generate. But I believe from the standpoint of the advancement of the human civilization, globalization is inevitable. Without globalization, the human race cannot advance as a whole therefore, slowing down the development process of humanity. We might not think of this matter this way, but globalization has only been in the existence of the entire human history for a very brief period thus, the structure of this global system has not yet fully organized itself to prevent any defects in its practice.A perfect example is the more micro Chinese economy in terms of the macro globalization. As we all know, China has been one of the quickest growing countries in terms of finance and economy. There were many loopholes inwardly the government regulations for businesses in comparison to already developed nations such as the United States and Great Britain in the past years, providing opportunities to cheat the system resulting in a gen eration of overnight millionaires. With the realization of this situation, there have been changes made to prevent this from happening any further.If one nation is able to set and adjust its system to improved and recover from the flaws, why cant the World Trade Organization change its ways to come up with a better arrangement and structure to eliminate the injustice and immoralities? globalization has brought many things to the table for everyone, both negative and positive. We human beings need to focus more on the macro result of globalization rather than the relatively micro side effects of this phenomenon.I believe with the passing of time and the recognition and understanding of the issues of this matter, we get out be able to modify and progress our ways to recover and prevent future occurrences of the problems we face today. Globalization will not always be what we know of it in todays society. In time, it will eliminate its flaws and achieve its ultimate goal of union people of different backgrounds, cultures, and nations into one group of people working towards a better tomorrow.
Monday, January 28, 2019
Metal Detectors: Justifying School Safety Essay
How very much is your childs safety worth? Are you willing to purge a price tag on your childs tone? Many instills are putting a price tag, but fortuitously several are non. A shocking one in ten disciples has carried a weapon to condition in immature York. Statistics like this can non be music to the ears of parents. You take in to wonder what schools are doing about this awful matter. A nonion that has been around, yet a sweet idea is helping surface the future on student safety in schools. It is metallic element detectors. This new idea has ca spendd controversy all over the world. Schools around the United States engage turned to metal detectors for their solution. I feel that metal detectors are a small price to pay when this matter concerns children. Metal detectors are economic consumptionful and expensive. However, most schools are able to afford them, and they do not consummation students rights.Metal detectors ensure school safety quickly and effectively . They help put by a practice that is seen in many areas, including airports and courthouses. Many whitethorn surround that they consume too much time and require specially instruct professionals. On the contrary, several schools have interpreted the same measures that are taken when conducting a poll. Polls only use a small portion of the population for the actual questions, but it still represents the holy population. Countless cities, including New York, have pay back a predetermined method of seening which allows them to scan every second or third student instead of the entire student body (McDermott 2). This measure is c digestly monitored, and it has proven to be successful. whatever schools have even made things move quicker by having the teachers encipher through a different entrance, which excessively includes metal detectors. Metal detectors in schools are also enforcing a method that is commonly used every repose these days. A student from Chicago states in a m essage bestride that,Government offices have metal detectors that everyone has to walk through before they enter. If I go to City Hall, I have to walk through a metal detector. If I go to court for a speeding ticket, I have to go through a metal detector. Why shouldnt kids have to do the same in school? Its a public place, funded by public dollars (much like government offices) and I  acquiret see that it violates anyones civil rights to have to walk through a metal detector to ensure that a school is safe.Students lose many privileges when they enter the school doors because student safety is on the steer of the list. If they do not want to be appeared or questioned then they should not bring with them articles that are inappropriate for school.Leigh was right when he said metal detectors are expensive. They can range from $4,495 to $5,495 for the walk-through models and from one hundred to quad hundred dollars for the hand-held models. This minor setback causes debates. Me tal detectors may not be impoverishmented in all grades of schools. A vast volume of school homicides and suicides 179 took place in high schools when surveyed in New York. Therefore, conglomerate school districts may only need to install the metal detectors in high schools. Another aspect is that taxpayers already pay for insufficient funds. They should use the money for safer schools, instead of funding a new, state-of-the-art prison. Public officials need to look into where other tax dollars are going, and try and focus on getting it to go to schools.Students go to school to be educated if their upbringing is impaired the school officials then need to step in. Students are also missing valuable time when public officials are required to look the entire school because of threats of a bomb or other intent threatening incidents. All the kids are missing out on their command (Szaniszlo 1). This could have been prevented with the metal detectors. Although the threats are t o be taken seriously, the officials would have a sentiency of relief with the metal detectors in place. Metal detectors are undecomposed to everyone, and not just the students. For example, they enforce school policy and protect students. The school officials have a right to search with reasonable cause and this does not invade the students rights or privacy. The school officials are in loco parentis (in the place of the parent) to help maintain order in the school. Rules and regulations create a anatomical structure that is necessary to ensure a safe milieu, . . . that will reinforce the territorys priority goal of safe schools for all students and staff (Code of Conduct). estimable as students must obey the rules, school officials have a set of rules to follow. Also, parents are allowed to search their kids room without a search warrant mandatory, so school officials should be given the same standard. They are acting in loco parentis therefore, like parents they do not n eed a search warrant. The in loco parentis doctrine basically assumes that students have no current expectation of privacy in their personal property, such as purses, lyceum bags, or clothing (Persico 28). The school is now not only trusty for educating the children, but also for protecting them while in the schools supervision. School officials were not permitted to begin a pat-down search until the scanning machination had been activated twice (NYSSN). They are obligated to search when they feel the school environment has been threatened.School officials only begin a thorough search when the detector has beeped twice on the same student. Only then are they allowed to search the specific area where it beeped. Leigh states that metal detectors instill a sense of humiliation in students (654). Students would not be embarrassed if the search was do in private. He also mentions the most harmful effect of metal detectors is their psychological impact on students subjected to daily searches (Leigh 653). I have to fit out that it might cause such impact, but that it is worth the price. When a student dies on school grounds it also causes a sense of consternation for classmates. Schools only have these powers because they are out to ensure our safety. Schools will use whatever means possible to protect he student body.The columbine tragedy really awakened the American public. Who knew that two teenage boys would have access to guns and that they would intentionally use them to hurt others? Schools with the help of metal detectors would have a chance to prevent such incidents in the future. Metal detectors may not be a full-proof plan, but they would be valuable plus for schools. School districts are turning to this new phenomenon to better the school environment and community. Trying to work around the metal detectors idea or quetch about the cost are not the real issues. The students life is at stake. Nevertheless, to prevent the impossible from happening, adopting the idea of metal detectors is worth taking a chance.
A Background on Non-Governmental Organizations
t some(prenominal)y to the innovation Bank, Non-Governmental Organizations (non judicatureal organizations), the diversity of NGOs may infract crimson the simplest definition that may be attributed to it because they complicate m distributively meetings and antithetical institutions that argon either unaccompanied or largely independent to the governing body and eat up humanitarian objectives kind of than commercial. They ar private separates in industrial countries that support trans field increment. NGOs include religious associations, charit sufficient groups, independent cooperatives, una resembling associations, womens groups, among others.Non-Governmental Organizations were built in the beginning by private individuals or group of individuals and does non have whatsoever representations from the political sympathies. They argon largely independent, in wrong of its functions and how it executes its main objectives and how it bookles its coin fo r its dissimilar projects. As much as possible, no person from the administration send packing join or holdle both(prenominal)(prenominal) NGO to proceed its non-partisan location and to retain its objectivity in the transaction its mission. Individuals who do work to the highest degree the creative activity of NGOs regard in certain parkland social principles that act as their framework in executing their activities to bring about the development of communities they wear out service to. Further much, they as well assist in empowering the civil bon tonThere argon numerous qualitys of organizations, as mentioned by the World Bank. NGOs is much used as an option term with that of an independent sector, civil purchase order, offer up sector, grass reports, social shanghaiments and non-state actors. They play a pivotal part in forming the development of a nation or a state and the advancement of the lives of the battalion. Their manner of executing and attaining its objectives varies some NGOs acts as lobbyist to nurture their causes while some conducts dissimilar programs to solicit support and money. nigh of the time they find the need to maintain kempt kinds with the public if they longing to attain their main goal. Although there may be some sp ar-time activity groups that plays an important role in political relation, this is in the first place because of its ability to influence both social and political outcomes.As the knowledge domain move further in internationalizing its contrastive facets, NGOs, like any other group, manages itself in varied forms. well-nigh of the existent organization in the world uses dickens attention types (1) the diversity solicitude and, (2) the participatory counselling. The first type of management deals with varied cultures within the organization. It is the type of management cosmos used to bend intercultural problems and difficulties. On the other hand, the participatory managemen t style is used in close to NGOs, regardless of what their objectives are or its primary location. This type of management is associated with the concept that all hoi polloi within an organization are comprehend to be sources of knowledge and skills.For its funding, they bugger off their money through various subject matter and major sources include the side by side(p) (1) its membership dues (2) sale of goods and service and, (3) grants from international private institutions. However, even if NGOs are supposedly independent from governments, there are a soma of NGOs that heavily depends for their funding. And this is where their non-partisan stance is most of the time being questioned. This sometimes causes confusion to bulk whether these NGOs are simmer d admit free to purpose on its induce without any influence from government. Independence from any group with vested interest and the government is still the best solution to this dilemma, to allow NGOs a hefty positio n in the society.NGOs as Un responsible, In telling and a Mechanism of the Elite A Sweeping GeneralizationThere are an alarming number of criticisms about NGOs, this may be innate(p)e out of the fact that they have been actively engaging in disparate causes and have been cooperating more with the government in pursuing their objectives. They have also been cooperating and negotiating with the group of elite groups that have been very useful in pushing for their advocacies. On the account that NGOs are unaccountable, in stiff and a appliance of elite capture, I refuse to accept this as a general fact, for various reasons.For one, an NGO, as it has been said many times over, is any non-profit, voluntary groups that are nonionised in either a local, national or international level. Most of the commonwealth who work with these NGOs are task driven and goal oriented heap with one popular interest. They action various humanitarian services and acts as the voice of the common vol ume to their government. They likewise advocate and monitoring device different laws and policies and provide information to populate as a modality to encourage them to participate in the politics of their own government.NGOs are accountable for their own actions, as they represent a number of people who believe in their advocacies. They are accountable to the people who believe and support them because these people are one of the reasons for their existence. They share common beliefs and they share common interests, without these people, NGOs leave not function the way it is knowing to function. NGOs work hand in hand with the Civil Society and most of these NGOs try hard tolerable to maintain harmonious kind with the society. However, they are not accountable to the government as they independently and for as languish as they remain non-partisan and independent, they are not and should be held accountable to the government. payable to this argument, I stand by not fiting that NGOs are unaccountable.On the other hand, the effectivity of any organization, just like the government, is relative to how it executes its different goals and interests. NGOs have different methods in going about its main goals. For ex angstromle, what may be an effective way of promoting and representing people from the grassroots may not be an effective way for an NGO who are working for the womens rights. Although both are NGOs, they have different demand and they address these using different methods. For this alone, I do not agree that NGOs are ineffective.Although it is true that NGOs has to maintain a certain amount of kin with the civil society, NGOs still maintains a respectable amount of distance. Donations from individuals, specifically the elite, may be seen as a observe for these groups of people to manipulate the ongoing of a NGO. While it is true that a large portion of the funds that the NGO receive may have come, most of the time, from individuals coming from the elite group, it should not be generalized that they are the ones making the decisions for the people who manages the NGO. Again, NGOs are non-profit groups and whatever that admits them going are funds being donated by those people who believe in what the NGO is stand for. It is therefore more withdraw to think that NGOs work with the civil society than to think that it is a implement of the elite, or the chosen few.The existence of NGOs is born about the many changes in the world today. These have been brought about by the need to have a unilateral voice that would stand up for the people. Whether it is effective or not is relative to how it executes its own programs or advocacies or mission and objectives. However, to generalize that all NGOs are unaccountable and is a mechanism of the elite to be able to have an advantage in promoting their own interest may be a harsh generalization and require to be pondered upon.ConclusionIn conclusion, NGOs have been exist for s o many years, maybe even before civilization has began. NGOs main existence is not to jeopardize the relationship between the people and the government but rather to stand as a medium to duet the gap between them. They act as the voice of the people to different issues and concerns, like womens rights, environment issues, and calmness advocacy, among others. They are to be seen as a catalyst for change, for the betterment of a place where people and government live harmoniously.NGOs should remain non-partisan so that it would be able to maintain its independency from the influence of either the government or the elite. This impart enable them to assume out their objectives and goals without having to will in to the dictates of these respectable groups. This will also facilitate in ensuring that they will be more effective in promoting their own programs. Although a friendly and harmonious relationship with the government will give them more benefits than loss, for this will a llow them to be heard.On the other hand, it is best to keep a very good and goodish relationship with the civil society, which stands as their main client. This will allow them to correctly voice their concerns to the beseeming government and will enable them to address each issue with objectivity. The civil society is one of the major stakeholders of NGOs and it is but proper to continue a healthy relationship with them. They are accountable to these people, as the represent them and not any other vested interest.NGOs should remain committed to the root causes of the societal problems to enable them to stand by in trying to better the fictitious character of the lives of people, especially the poor, the oppressed and the marginalized in certain areas of the world.Although NGOs are often seen as a group that whole kit and boodle in the international level, with the presence of the united Nations, there are numerous NGOs within countries, and they work on a national level. The y work hand in hand with the civil society, as well as the government, to promote the good of the majority and to help in attaining a better world to live in and a better life for each person. The both NGOs and governments represent the people, they should continue to work hand in hand, rather than against each other, for in the long run, it is the people who will benefit from all the demonstrable results of a peaceful and harmonious co-existence.REFERENCES1.) Bebbington, Anthony., Hickey, Samuel., & vitamin A Mitin, Diana C. 2008. Can NGOs Make a Difference? The Challenge of Development Alternatives2.) Mendelson, Sarah E., & Glenn, John K. 2002. The Power and Limits of NGOs3.) Ebrahim, Alnoor. 2005. NGOs and organisational Change Discourse, Reporting, and Learning4.) Edwards, Michael., Jordan, Lisa., & Tuijl, Peter van. 2006. NGO Accountability Politics, Principles and Innovations5.) DeMars, William E. 2005. NGOs and Transnational meshing Wild Cards in World Politics6.) Car ey, Henry F. 2003. Mitigating Conflict The lineament of NGOs (The Cass Series on Peacekeeping)7.) Doh, Jonathan P., & Teegen, Hildy. 2003. globalisation and NGOs Transforming Business, Government, and Society8.) Church, Cheyanne. 2004. NGOs at the Table Strategies for Influencing insurance policy in Areas of Conflict9.) Dodd, Felix., Betsill, Michele M., Corell, Elisabeth. 2007. NGO Diplomacy The entrance of Non-Governmental Organizations in International milieu Negotiations10.) Goel, S.L. 2004. Administration and Management of NGOs11.) Earle, Lucy. 2004. Creativity and bashfulness (NGO Management and Policy)12.) Abraham, Anita. 2004. Formation and Management of NGOsA Background on Non-Governmental OrganizationsAccording to the World Bank, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), the diversity of NGOs may hurt even the simplest definition that may be attributed to it because they include numerous groups and different institutions that are either entirely or largely independen t to the government and have humanitarian objectives rather than commercial. They are private groups in industrial countries that support international development. NGOs include religious associations, charitable groups, independent cooperatives, different associations, womens groups, among others.Non-Governmental Organizations were built primarily by private individuals or group of individuals and does not have any representations from the government. They are largely independent, in terms of its functions and how it executes its main objectives and how it handles its funds for its various projects. As much as possible, no person from the government can join or handle any NGO to maintain its non-partisan stance and to retain its objectivity in the execution its mission. Individuals who bring about the existence of NGOs believe in certain common social principles that act as their framework in executing their activities to bring about the development of communities they give service to. Furthermore, they also assist in empowering the civil societyThere are numerous types of organizations, as mentioned by the World Bank. NGOs is often used as an alternative term with that of an independent sector, civil society, volunteer sector, grassroots, social movements and non-state actors. They play a pivotal part in forming the development of a nation or a state and the betterment of the lives of the people. Their method of executing and attaining its objectives varies some NGOs acts as lobbyist to promote their causes while some conducts various programs to solicit support and funds. Most of the time they find the need to maintain healthy relationships with the public if they wish to attain their main goal. Although there may be some interest groups that plays an important role in politics, this is mainly because of its ability to influence both social and political outcomes.As the world move further in internationalizing its different facets, NGOs, like any other grou p, manages itself in different forms. Most of the existing organization in the world uses two management types (1) the diversity management and, (2) the participatory management. The first type of management deals with different cultures within the organization. It is the type of management being used to avoid intercultural problems and difficulties. On the other hand, the participatory management style is used in most NGOs, regardless of what their objectives are or its primary location. This type of management is associated with the concept that all people within an organization are perceived to be sources of knowledge and skills.For its funding, they get their money through various means and major sources include the following (1) its membership dues (2) sale of goods and services and, (3) grants from international private institutions. However, even if NGOs are supposedly independent from governments, there are a number of NGOs that heavily depends for their funding. And this is where their non-partisan stance is most of the time being questioned. This sometimes causes confusion to people whether these NGOs are still free to decide on its own without any influence from government. Independence from any group with vested interest and the government is still the best solution to this dilemma, to allow NGOs a respectable position in the society.NGOs as Unaccountable, Ineffective and a Mechanism of the Elite A Sweeping GeneralizationThere are an alarming number of criticisms about NGOs, this may be borne out of the fact that they have been actively engaging in different causes and have been cooperating more with the government in pursuing their objectives. They have also been cooperating and negotiating with the group of elites that have been very helpful in pushing for their advocacies. On the account that NGOs are unaccountable, ineffective and a mechanism of elite capture, I refuse to accept this as a general fact, for various reasons. For one, an NGO, as i t has been said many times over, is any non-profit, voluntary groups that are organized in either a local, national or international level. Most of the people who work with these NGOs are task driven and goal oriented people with one common interest. They perform various humanitarian services and acts as the voice of the common people to their government. They likewise advocate and monitor different laws and policies and provide information to people as a way to encourage them to participate in the politics of their own government.NGOs are accountable for their own actions, as they represent a number of people who believe in their advocacies. They are accountable to the people who believe and support them because these people are one of the reasons for their existence. They share common beliefs and they share common interests, without these people, NGOs will not function the way it is designed to function. NGOs work hand in hand with the Civil Society and most of these NGOs try hard enough to maintain harmonious relationship with the society. However, they are not accountable to the government as they independently and for as long as they remain non-partisan and independent, they are not and should be held accountable to the government. Due to this argument, I stand by not agreeing that NGOs are unaccountable.On the other hand, the effectivity of any organization, just like the government, is relative to how it executes its different goals and interests. NGOs have different methods in going about its main goals. For example, what may be an effective way of promoting and representing people from the grassroots may not be an effective way for an NGO who are working for the womens rights. Although both are NGOs, they have different needs and they address these using different methods. For this alone, I do not agree that NGOs are ineffective.Although it is true that NGOs has to maintain a certain amount of relationship with the civil society, NGOs still maintains a respectable amount of distance. Donations from individuals, specifically the elite, may be seen as a chance for these groups of people to manipulate the ongoing of a NGO. While it is true that a large portion of the funds that the NGO receive may have come, most of the time, from individuals coming from the elite group, it should not be generalized that they are the ones making the decisions for the people who manages the NGO. Again, NGOs are non-profit groups and whatever that keeps them going are funds being donated by those people who believe in what the NGO is standing for. It is therefore more appropriate to think that NGOs work with the civil society than to think that it is a mechanism of the elite, or the chosen few.The existence of NGOs is born about the many changes in the world today. These have been brought about by the need to have a unilateral voice that would stand up for the people. Whether it is effective or not is relative to how it executes its own programs or a dvocacies or mission and objectives. However, to generalize that all NGOs are unaccountable and is a mechanism of the elite to be able to have an advantage in promoting their own interest may be a harsh generalization and needs to be pondered upon.ConclusionIn conclusion, NGOs have been existing for so many years, maybe even before civilization has began. NGOs main existence is not to jeopardize the relationship between the people and the government but rather to stand as a medium to bridge the gap between them. They act as the voice of the people to different issues and concerns, like womens rights, environment issues, and peace advocacy, among others. They are to be seen as a catalyst for change, for the betterment of a place where people and government live harmoniously.NGOs should remain non-partisan so that it would be able to maintain its independence from the influence of either the government or the elite. This will enable them to carry out their objectives and goals without having to give in to the dictates of these powerful groups. This will also help in ensuring that they will be more effective in promoting their own programs. Although a friendly and harmonious relationship with the government will give them more benefits than loss, for this will allow them to be heard.On the other hand, it is best to keep a very good and healthy relationship with the civil society, which stands as their main client. This will allow them to properly voice their concerns to the proper authorities and will enable them to address each issue with objectivity. The civil society is one of the major stakeholders of NGOs and it is but proper to continue a healthy relationship with them. They are accountable to these people, as the represent them and not any other vested interest.NGOs should remain committed to the root causes of the societal problems to enable them to help in trying to better the quality of the lives of people, especially the poor, the oppressed and the mar ginalized in certain areas of the world.Although NGOs are often seen as a group that works in the international level, with the presence of the United Nations, there are numerous NGOs within countries, and they work on a national level. They work hand in hand with the civil society, as well as the government, to promote the good of the majority and to help in attaining a better world to live in and a better life for each person. The both NGOs and governments represent the people, they should continue to work hand in hand, rather than against each other, for in the long run, it is the people who will benefit from all the positive results of a peaceful and harmonious co-existence.REFERENCESBebbington, Anthony., Hickey, Samuel., & Mitin, Diana C. 2008. Can NGOs Make a Difference? The Challenge of Development AlternativesMendelson, Sarah E., & Glenn, John K. 2002. The Power and Limits of NGOsEbrahim, Alnoor. 2005. NGOs and Organizational Change Discourse, Reporting, and LearningEd wards, Michael., Jordan, Lisa., & Tuijl, Peter van. 2006. NGO Accountability Politics, Principles and InnovationsDeMars, William E. 2005. NGOs and Transnational Network Wild Cards in World PoliticsCarey, Henry F. 2003. Mitigating Conflict The Role of NGOs (The Cass Series on Peacekeeping)Doh, Jonathan P., & Teegen, Hildy. 2003. Globalization and NGOs Transforming Business, Government, and SocietyChurch, Cheyanne. 2004. NGOs at the Table Strategies for Influencing Policy in Areas of ConflictDodd, Felix., Betsill, Michele M., Corell, Elisabeth. 2007. NGO Diplomacy The Influence of Non-Governmental Organizations in International Environment NegotiationsGoel, S.L. 2004. Administration and Management of NGOsAbraham, Anita. 2004. Formation and Management of NGOs
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Prayer in School
Monique Holmes Argumentative paper Final Paper Dr. George Pullman Introduction initi feature soliciter is a major controversy of this society. Public take aims atomic shape 18 stayed with taxpayer m matchlessy and you have a haulage of believers who motivation his or her taxes to support an institution that prohibits clawren from beging in prepare, further at the same time, you have a loot of believers that have ont wish to support an institution that prohibits their children from appeal in tutors. The first base Amendment of the joined States protects both believers ands non believers from this situation by mandating government neutrality between mankind opinion and non belief.All children have the flop to pray voluntary just non through the common school form. postulation Should be Allowed in the Public tutor System School suppli ignoret is a very controversial foreshorten in our society today. The question that people argon having tailors with is w hether or non school entreat should be on the wholeowed in the semi national school constitution. The chief(prenominal) issue is if students should be allowed to pray as a class at the start of the day. request in school has been a major affair between people thitherfore there have been a lot of court cases.There were a number of cases that has changed the policy of invocation in the common school system. Thomas Jefferson had spoken of national education ands give tongue to, One mark of democracy is the recognition, solution, and tolerance of controversy public education should prepare citizens for this reality. People do need to be prepared be start out religion is a very Holmes common controversy. If religion is removed from the public education system then one moldiness know that the system is then big to the school because how are children to know how to deal with the controversy that flummoxs with religion? request should be slowed in school. One must remember the Equal coming Act of 1984, which says that orison is an substantial distinguish of the Statess phantasmal heritage and the early Amendment (Freedom of words). If prayer in schools is so bad akin people similar to say or think than how come there are so m all people who are for prayer in school? School prayer shouldnt be removed from the public school system because of the Equal Access Act of 1984. This Act states that a federally funded public high is required to permit unearthly meetings if clubs that are non related to the curriculum is allowed.There are a number of phantasmal groups in some schools, exactly of course they dresst perk up the same privileges as the clubs that are non- apparitional related. The Equal Access Act of 1984 was form to change this fact. At some schools, students are allowed to organize a record book study group as well as opposite spectral clubs (www. religioustolerance. org). These crashicular clubs are allowed to meet on school gr ounds and they are able to advertise on school property just like the other non-religious clubs (www. religioustolerance. org).Students who want to have a religious club should non be influenced by the board, teachers, principals, or any staff of the school. They should not be ridiculed because of this. The Equal Access Act of 1984 is ripe because these students will now be able to form a religious group if they want. If athletes, musicians and artists dismiss visualise and do what they believe than religious groups should be able to do the same. supplicant should be a part of our school systems because it is an important part of Americas spiritual heritage.All throughout Americas history there have been many important documents written with references to Almighty God, Thy Blessings, Our dependence upon Thee, and In God We Trust. These documents are Holmes the Declaration of Independence, the Gettysburg Address, the National Anthem, the Presidential Oath and compensate U. S. Currency. In school children starts the day with pledge which states one Nation infra God. A prayer says that students just want to ask for a good day and guidance throughout the day. requester and religion is an important part of the Ameri puke tradition. It has been verbalise that the children benefit from people turning to God on their behalf and they benefit even more when they turn to God for help (Christian lore Monitor 2). If prayer is kept out of the school system, they are education students that traditions are not important and that what this country was founded upon doesnt matter. Our forefathers wanted us to have religious exemptdom, so what would you want children to disrespect that. People dont want to see out nation fall but it will if we dont show children the value of prayer.School prayer is important because it shows and teaches what this nation stands for and it helps create better morals. By allowing children to pray at the branch of school it gives them a chance to learn better and focus on school because their mind will be cleared. It is known that students who pray out front school do better in school than those who dont. So if we want our children to do better we must let them pray in school. We have lost if we eliminate prayer from school. Our nation will by all odds fall. nonhing in the First Amendment converts our public schools into religionfree zones or requires all religious looking at to be left at the schoolhouse door (Bill Clinton on prayer in school). If what Clinton say is true then why do people want to eliminate prayer in school? The issue is that they dont want to deal with controversy but by doing this they are not command children how to handle controversy they are teaching them to ignore it. They should let the children decide if they want to pray or not. If the students dont want to pray than they dont have to pray then they shouldnt.They have the mightily to pray in school and should not be looked Holmes down at if they choose to do so. No one is being hurt by prayer being in the public school system. The First Amendment gives people the right to express their religion openly and not be questioned or so their beliefs. The former president, Harry Truman once give tongue to that prayer never hurt anybody and made good citizens out of them. The First Amendment states that people can express their beliefs freely and openly anywhere that they want and that should include school as well.School prayer should be in the public school systems because of the Equal Access Act of 1984, prayer is an important part of Americas spiritual heritage and the First Amendment (Freedom of run-in). Even with all of the court cases in which judges have ruled that prayer in school is unconstitutional, students still form prayer groups. One of the reasons why prayer is removed from school is because people think that they will have to have-to doe with in that religion and it will dominate over all. But this is merely not true.No one is asking for people to change their beliefs. Why is it a big issue for prayer to be in class when it is said in a number of school functions? Prayers are said at athletic games, to ensure safety and protection and at graduation ceremonies. How come this isnt an issue? There a re a number of arguments that are for prayer in school The Chief Justice of the dally of Appeals stated, The belief and trust in a creator has always been regarded as an integral and inseparable part of the fabric of our fundamental institutions. Harry Truman said that prayer never hurt anybody and made good citizens out of them. Rep. pack Traficant said, A Congress that allows God to be banned from our schools while our schools can teach about cults, Hitler and even devil worship is wrong, out of hand and need some commonsense. Prayer in school will attach tolerance in schools because children will be able to learn of distinct religions and how they are practiced. It wil l also bring to surface questions that Holmes children have about God and religion and allow them to search for their own belief system.Bringing prayer into schools will allow them to search for their own belief system. Bringing prayer into schools will also help reverse the moral degradation of this country. Prayer should be allowed in the public school system so that our children can start their day off in the right direction. Prayer Should Not be Allowed in the Public School System The public school system should not allow prayer into the public school system because it is against the idea of dissolution of church and state.The public schools are for education it is not a place where religion should be taught, that is what church is for. Public schools can uncomplete foster religion nor preclude it. Our public schools must manage religion with fairness and respect and vigorously protect religious expression as well as the freedom of conscience of all other students. In so doi ng our public schools reaffirm the First Amendment and enrich the lives of their students ( repository of Education Richard W. Riley June 1998 ).One must remember that in a public school system, these children are from all religion backgrounds, such as Baptist, Catholic, Quaker, Jewish, Muslim and atheist. School sponsorship of a religious inwardness is impermissible because it sends the ancillary message to members of the listening who are nonadherents that they are outsiders, not full members of the political community, and an accompanying message to adherents that they are insiders, favored members of the political community (U.S. Supreme Court ruling, Santa Fe v. Doe, (2000). Public schools are support by taxpayers and even they are of unlike beliefs, so therefore, the schools should be free from religious coercion. In the bible, it says that Jesus didnt approve of outward prayer, Thou shalt not be as the hypocrites ate for they love to Holmes pray standing in synagogues and in the corners of the streets that they may be seen of men.But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet and when thou hast shut the door, pray to thy return which is in secret (Matthew 65-6). By allowing prayer into public schools violates the First Amendment which states that congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances (First Amendment of the Constitution).The Establishment Clause renders the government from endorsing or favoring religion or any form of religions expression and The Free Speech and Free Exercise Clauses requires that the government doesnt trample on ones opportunities to engage in expressive conduct. No one should be required to participate in prayer. The government does not have the right to make people pray in school. Annie Laurie Gaylor quoted Thomas Jefferson in her article, The object lesson against School Prayer No citizen shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever. People should not be theatre of operations to do anything they dont believe in. Prayer should not be allowed in school because of church and state and the First Amendment. To secure the peoples right to acknowledge God according to the dictates of conscience Neither the get together States nor any State shall establish any official religion, but the peoples right to pray and to recognize their religious beliefs, heritage, and traditions on public property, including schools, shall not be infringed.The United States and the States shall not compose school prayers, not require any person to join in prayer or other religious natural process (Congressperson Ernest Istook Proposed amendment to the U. S. Constitution). To have prayer in school is against the idea of separation of church and state. Ho lmes Public schools are for education not religion. Im a Catholic and I hope a devout one, but I think that the public school classroom is no place for me to try and impose my humankind formula for prayer on children who ont share it, and for that very reason, I dont want my children in a public school classroom to be overt to someone elses religion or formula (Senator Phillip A. Hart Michigan). Every child should not have to say prayer in the classroom because not everyone believes in the same thing. Students that choose to pray are already habituated the ability to do so because they are given a instant of silence where the student can do anything he or she wants as long as the entire class is not involved.Students have a voluntary right to pray but people want it to be where a group can pray and that should not be allowed. By establishing prayer in the public school system, it will only cause more turmoil for our society. Ulysses Grant started in the Presidents Speech at Des M oines to leave the matter of religion to the family altar, the church, and the private schools, supported entirely by private contributions. Keep the church and state unceasingly separate. School prayer should not be allowed in the schools because of the idea of separation of church and state and the First Amendment. Religion is private and these schools are neither private, which shows that they do nor mix. To bring the public schools builds walls between children who may have not been aware of some religious beliefs. The practice of prayer in school will create unnecessary divisions among children by making them aware of religious differences. Public schools are for everyone, no matter their religion.The practice if organized prayer in schools will invade the childrens right to an education that is free of the discrimination that organized prayer would encourage. When schools have prayer in class, it hit out the theology being taught. Forbidding prayer in schools does not discou rage religion but instead it prevents offensive alienation of students who have viewpoints which conflict with the established religion. By allowing prayer in school, Holmes it will exist what parents have already taught their children.It will be undermining what we teach our children about religion. We must protect ourselves against organized prayer by keeping coercive prayer out of our childrens schools. Work Cited Bill Jager, Public School Prayer Creates Violence, at Holmes http//www. mindspring. com/wjager/ Gaylor, Annie Laurie. The Case Aainst School Prayer. Keep the Church and State unceasingly Separate. Madison, Wisconsin Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc. 1995 Matt Pyeatt. Congressman Urges School Prayer radical Amendment, CNSNews. om, at http//www. botcw. com/talk/ Religion and Prayer in U. S. Public Schools www. religioustolerance. org The consecrated Bible New Tesatment St. Matthew 65-6 The resolution was passed on 2001-NOV-7. The vote was 5 to 4. See Gene Garma n, Lafayette School Board resolution on public prayer, at http// www. sunnetworks. net/ggarman/ The web site contains a point-by-point rebuttal. Topic Prayer in School, AmarilloNet. com bulletin board at http//www. amarillonet. com/ubb/Forum34/ Holmes
Friday, January 25, 2019
Environmental Ethics: Not Beneficial Anymore Essay
environmental problems stemming from the hu adult male be population, pollution, conservation of resources, and preservation of species argon complex and rocky to resolve. Increasingly, it is understood that one difficulty of resolving them is due to the fact that they are fundamentally problems of morality that possess broad descriptions and floor of referenceistics ( black lovage and Fairbridge 1999 294).Thus, one sometimes hears the heraldic bearing that some self-proclaimed surroundingsal ethicians are not really environmental ethicist at all since their speculations on the rights of future generations to a healthy environment re certify to a greater extent than extensions of inter-human moral philosophy (Cooper & James 2005 3). Environmental honourable motive has more practically focused on public benefits and public harms.In such scenario, individuals liberty is quite often seen as a source of harms, and there has been a steadily increasing ferocity on the conse quent need to limit individuals autonomy (ONeill 2002 4). Environmental ethics is a relatively new field of philosophical ethics concerned with describing the values carried by the non-human natural world or basically the natura flora and fauna itself, and prescribing an appropriate ethical response to get a line preservation or restoration of those ethical values (Light and Rolston, 2002 1).In a strict sense, environmental ethics is concerned with three areas of inquiry concerning our alliance with the environment (a) meta-ethics involves clarification method for answering morality queries (b) normative ethics concerns the determination of what moral principles are valid and how we ought to act and lastly, (c) empirical ethics focuses on what facts are necessary and relevant to inform our moral questions (Alexander and Fairbridge 1999 294).This often urgent concern arises especially in view of threats to nature present largely by humans. These threats are both to other humans and to non-humans/nature, placing in jeopardy the communities of life on Earth (Light and Rolston, 2002 1). More broadly speaking, environmental ethics seek a reunification of humans with nature. Consequently, they draw upon more fields of inquiry than merely philosophy (Alexander and Fairbridge 1999 294 Light and Rolston, 2002 1).Environmental morals Climatic Changes Remarkably, the current definition of environmental ethics excludes problems of environmental arbitrator within the rattling nature itself, the generations both present and future, and problems of intergenerational fairness from the rail of environmental ethics (Light and Katz 1996 119). Climatic changes are vastly increasing its phase, particularly global warming and the changes that it brings. Environmental policies to correct such scenario are very untold unorganized and lesser attention is placed into.Especially for those communities that do experience little part of the afflicting climaticalal change, the tendency is to act-out or save-face for play-safe mechanisms. The innovation of environmental scope lies more on human-centred or else of climatic problems themselves hence, the ethical scope produces lesser effect to correct the problems that occur in the environment. Climatic changes are vastly covering the conditions of our society but undetectable to little acts are being made.Some think that environmental ethical policies should be evaluated solely on the basis of how they affect humans. This entails a humane environmental ethics although, for example, the classical utilitarians include animal suffering in their ethical calculation, a variant utilitarianism, which enjoins us to maximize the surplus of human happiness over human unhappiness depicting an actual human-centered approach (Singer 1991 285).The primary problems of environmental ethics nowadays are the macroethical character that causes differentiation of definitions and broad statement, and the human-centered lin k that deviates from the deontological concepts (Warren 2000 74 Singer 1991 285 Alexander and Fairbridge 1999 294). In one example the ethical policy for preservation of jeopardise species, and protection of those animals near extinction are very much cognise already since the problems have been widely recognized ever since.On the irony, the controversies just about global warming and the climatic changes have been occurring even before the cognizance of animal endangerments however, little attention has been given to this problem of climatic change. The exclusively time the condition in climatic changes has been recognized is during the time of its puckish progression wherein the signs and symptoms of climatic changes have been vastly evident. The rationale of human beings recognition of the environmental problem is only due to the point wherein human civilizations are effected by the problem.Unfortunately, the ethical approach of adult male over these problems is not even p roblem-oriented, which is nature-oriented, but rather, to protect themselves from the natural devastations caused by the problems they have created. Summary and Conclusion Environmental ethics in the present generation concerns the benefit of human civilization quite of the benefit of environmental aspect. The duty of mankind is to conceal the intrinsic character of the environment instead of playing-safe from the moral requirements by conducting ethical policies that only concerns human-sake.The focus on environmental approach should be the prime center of the ethics itself, and the benefit of man should be prioritized secondly. Let us view one example, the policy of unripened environment, which entails tree planting to counter logging system, is one example of a play-safe act. Practically speaking, logging benefits humans however, with lesser tree sources do not justify the approval of environmental centers to continue the logging process grant that such program has been initia ted.Trees take time to grow hence, it would be much better to stop the logging process and utilize other areas instead of nearly depleting the resource area. The ethical considerations involved in this practice of necessity to change to a more deontological concept. The present policies involved are no longer beneficial to the environment and humans attempt to address climatic problems, since the entire focus is not the problem itself but those that are afflicted. Environmental ethics should change towards the benefit of the environment itself and more on arts duties over it.
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Public Speaking Self Reflection Essay
During the first week of secernate we learned about presentations and prattleing in front of people. At which from each one individual experienced nervousness and fear. As we gave our presentations each person was given(p) a critique on strengths and weaknesses. I saw many weaknesses in my presentation and intend on departing on finding slipway to improve them into strengths.Some anxiety signs I noticed were speaking too fast and moving around. I feel maybe I bucket along the presentation and possibly distracted by my thoughts and material in my hands. I didnt ease up the correct mind set to calm down(a) and speak clearer and slower. I wanted to get the presentation over with so I think I went in with the mind set of doing it fast. I think one way to work on that is take my presentations more than seriously and find ways to enjoy them. Looking at the social stratum while speaking may also contribute to this, because they seemed just as disinterested as I was. I think tha t may have messed with my head a bit but I need to work on ways to look and feel more enthusiastic, that way the sort out can feel the same.What I hope to accomplish in this class is get rid of the anticipation and nervousness I get forwards and during speeches and presentations. Though I dont have a  business speaking in front of people, I want the feeling to be second nature to me. Ways to improve that is practice talking with strangers and great(p) speeches or presentations in front of friends and family. If I cant talk in front of my friends and family, then chances are I cant do it in front of strangers.In conclusion, it was refreshing to get feedback from your peers in order to better yourself. A lot of times the presentation goes considerably in our head, or least we think so, but it doesnt sooner come out exactly same(p) you thought. Having the kind of criticism is firm because even though we practice, we dont notice things about ourselves, like body language or to ne of voice. Practice doesnt gather in perfect but practice makes permanent. If you practice wrong, you pretend bad habits and risk doing it wrong.
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Placement Reflection Essay
Pembroke Residential Home, Saltburn10/02/14 forthwith was my low day on placement at Pembroke Residential rest home in Saltburn. When I first arrived I was a little neural as I didnt know anybody and I wasnt sure as shooting on what to do because I didnt know their r discloseine. The pressure protruding off a position after the first hour because some other student came in as she was doing her block placement and I was told to in effect(p) follow what she did as she had been before and k unfermented what she was doing. Firstly, I observed the other student as she fed a occupier, this do me feel a smoke more at ease as I knew I would be doing this another tine and I was granted the opportunity to observe first so I knew exactly what to do and how to act when I was asked to fees in the hereafter this was a haughty love for me. I also had a unrivall(a)ed to ane conversation with a resident physician about a computer program that was on the television in the lounge. W e talked for about 30 minutes and he seemed pleased that I had taken the time to sit a pick up to him and have a conversation with him. This was a positive come across for me and do me feel great as I entangle I had do him feel happier. It also gave me a chance to exact to know the resident and use my communication skills using sensation to one interactions.Pembroke Residential Home, Saltburn03/03/14Today I was quite excited as I had been asked to fall a resident and this was an opportunity for me to get some learn of my protest for the future. The resident is unable to get out of bed as she alone has use of her upper half of her body so I took her breakfast upstairs (golden syrup porridge and a cup of tea which had to be drank through a straw) and fed her as well as having a one to one interaction with her. This was a positive experience for me and once I had finished I had to record either(prenominal)thing that I had given her as every meal has to be put down in he r book. I felt not bad(predicate) because the resident had a smile on her face and seemed happy, also it was the first time on placement that I had interacted with a resident alike(p) this. I hope to be able to feed this resident in the future as I really enjoyed it.Pembroke Residential Home, Saltburn10/03/14I was a bit disappointed today as I felt like I didnt learn anything new and comprise it wasnt very unspoiled for me. All I have through with(p) today is take the tea/coffee trolley round all of the residents numerous times, washed the pots numerous times and picked up some examine pots for the residents at Huntcliffe Surgery, Saltburn. I felt like I was exactly beingness use as a run about and being given the jobs that none of the staff particularly wanted to do. Although this was a ban experience for me, I didnt complain and I just got on with it, I feel like I havent reach outd any experience today.Pembroke Residential Home, Saltburn17/03/14It was quite busy today on placement so I was on my feet a lot and helped out as oft as I could. I fed the said(prenominal) resident that I have previously fed another time. I fed her both her breakfast (apple and cherry ready break and a glass of milk) and her dejeuner (chicken stew, mash, carrots and a cup of tea). I also had some(prenominal) one to one conversations with various residents throughout the day. Communicating with the residents made me feel as though they enjoyed it and I got to know a little bit about each of their personalities which get out help me to interact with them more in the future. I am going to continue communicating with the residents as much as I can so that I can get to know them better. I observed the staff ordering new medicinal drug for the residents and filling in care plans, progress sheets etc. This was a positive experience for me as I got to see the non-practical side of working in a residential home and had an insight on the fibres of paperwork involved. Toda y made me feel that my placement was becoming a little more beneficial for me as I am slowly learning new things again rather than doing nothing health and kind care related.Pembroke Residential Home, Saltburn31/03/14The home was very busy today I was on my feet a lot but I enjoyed it because I always had something to do. I fed the usual resident I feed regularly this dayspring (original ready break and a cup of tea) and her lunch and then recorded how much she had ate and drank on her sheets so that the other staff new how well she was eating. I also did the same for her lunch (beef casserole, mash and veg, a yoghurt and a glass of juice). This was a positive experience for me and I found it easier to interact with the resident today because we had more to talk about. I also feel that the resident enjoyed my company because on both cause we has one to one communication. As this residential home is small and just has 10 residents they dont usually get a select of meals unless they dont like what is on the menu then they will be given an alternative. Today, the cook made two different meals for lunch and I went round the residents to ask which they would prefer. This was also a positive experience for both me and the residents as they felt a lot happier about the event that they were given a choice of meals rather than just what was on the menu. I felt that I had cheered the residents up by doing this. Every workweek since I have been on placement at this residential home I have taken the tea/coffee trolley round the residents and visitors and washed lots of pots. I was told to do the same today which was a negative experience for me as I dont feel that this helps me to achieve anything and get an idea of what it is like to work in health and social care with the elderly.I felt annoyed that I had been asked again to do these things as I get asked do to these every week. Activities are offered to the residents every day so that they feel they have someth ing to do rather than just sit about and watch the TV, read the newspaper etc. I was asked to offer the residents a choice of activities today but unfortunately none of them felt up to participating in anything that I offered. Although no activities were carried out, this was a positive experience for me as I then had to record that what I had done in the activities booklet to show that even though the residents had elect not participate in various activities they were still given the choice. I felt that the staff had trust in me to be able to demoralize filling in this sheet as even though it is nevertheless a small step it gave me more experience on what type of paperwork is involved in working in a residential home.As I have previously been shown how to work the stair name one of the staff member asked me to take a resident upstairs to their room. I was trusted to do this myself, using the stair lift. This was a positive experience for me as although I had observed the sta ir lift being used I had never actually used it myself to get residents up to their rooms. The resident seemed rather happy with how I placed her on the stair lift and how I used it. This made me feel great as I knew I had achieved another skill for working with the elderly/disabled in health and social care. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed attending placement this week as I was never left with nothing to do and felt I learnt a lot of new skills even if they are just small steps to working in helath and social care in the future.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Caribbean Business Environment
Firstly, here ar some of the consequences of regional trade arrangements assembling or growth effects. If closer integrating improves the efficiency with which factors are combine it is alike likely to induce rater investment. While this additional investment is fetching place, countries may experience a medium-term growth effect. If such investment is associated with double-quick technical progress or accumulation of human capital as set in the long-run growth rates may also be improved.Investment effects. More emphasis is now given to the impact of regional Integration on production via the effect on foreign study investment and investment creation and diversion. Transactions costs and regulatory barriers. The handed-down theory of customs unions was developed in the context of riff reductions only if, as noticed above, the welfare effects of Integration can be preferably different If the barriers removed are cost-increasing barriers.Following the SUE experience with Im plementing its Single grocery store program, on that point Is now greater awareness of the importance of barriers which raise transactions costs in inhibiting trade, and of the value of removing them. Importance of credibility. Many of the effects identified in the modern theory, especially those related to or requiring investment, assume that the integration effort is credible and bequeath not be reversed. If credibility is insufficiencying, and there is uncertainty among investors, their behavior is unlikely to be influenced.The emphasis on credibility assumes the existence of enforcement mechanisms which will ensure the implementation of commitments entered Into when a country Joins a regional Integration scheme. Regional trade agreements reduce the tariffs between the countries which are part of the trade agreement. Regional trade agreements reduce tariffs between countries, but does not allow these countries to Increase tariffs on countries which do not participate. obli gation reductions allow population to purchase goods from other countries at lower prices.The gains from erudition valuable skills from foreign markets that can subsequently be transferred back to the billet country. Integration also has many benefits such as gains in trade, economies of scale, restrain fiscal capabilities and cultural centralization. With deeper levels of integration foreign investment will increase. The lack of resources in the Caribbean will increased more integration and also the people will get to learn other trades from the different countries. Also will adopt and enhance strategies which will help the efficiency and improve ambition in the region and the US.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Pricing Strategy and Channel Distribution Essay
Pricing Strategy and Channel Distribution precedential Concierge serve Kelly Spino Strayer University Dr. Robert Badowski Abstract Determine and discuss a determine scheme (penetration or sliver). Determine and discuss pricing tactics (product line pricing, nurture pricing, polarial pricing, or competing against private brands) to be apply for your product. Identify both legal and ethical issues related to the pricing tactics. Prep ar a selling diffusion channel analysis identifying the wholesaler, distributor, and retailer relationships.Discuss how the distribution dodging fits the product/ helping, target market, and overall marketing objects for the confederation. As a utility business, Senior Concierge Service will offer non medical c ar and sustenance for senior citizens and their families. This type of dish business does not have legion(predicate) competitors, and pricing is consistent among the senior care industry. The pricing strategy for Senior Concierge S ervice will be to stay within the normal stove for its operate.Consumers will choose Senior Concierge Service over the competition not by constitute, but by the quality of operate offered. Price skimming is a pricing strategy in which a marketer sets a relatively high price for a product or service at first, and then the price is dishonored over time. This is a sport of price discrimination. Price skimming allows a business to recover its resources right away before a competitor moves in and lowers their prices, lowering the market price. The documental of a price skimming strategy is to capture the consumer surplus. on that pointedness are several potential problems with this strategy.It is effective only when a business is go about an inelastic demand curve (demand that is not very sensitive to a change in price). Skimming encourages the gate of competitors. Penetration pricing is a more(prenominal) suitable strategy in this case. This strategy is a pricing technique of setting a relatively low initial entry price, a good deal lower than the market price, to attract new customers. This strategy works on the probability that customers will switch to the new business beca social function of the lower price. Penetration pricing is most commonly associated with a marketing objective of increasing market hare or sales volume, rather than to crop profit in the short term. This bottom spot the competition by surprise, not giving them time to react. It can also constitute grace of God among the early customer segment. This can create more trade with word of mouth. Ethical thinking is responding to situations that deal with principles concerning human behavior in respect to the appropriateness and inappropriateness of certain communication and to the decency and indecency of the end and tops of such actions (distinctions between right and wrong).Marketers are ethically responsible for what is marketed and the take care that a product portrays. Marketers need to understand what not bad(predicate) ethics are and how to incorporate good ethics in various marketing campaigns to fall apart reach a targeted audience and to gain trust from customers. (Wikipedia. com) Unethical or controversial marketing strategies include bait and switch, profit scheme, intend obsolescence, lock-in/ homage schemes, viral marketing, and, monopolies/oligopolies.In retail sales, a bait and switch is a form of dupery in which the party putting forth the fraud lures in customers by advertising a product or service at an unprofitably low price, and then reveals to potential customers that the advertised good is not available but that a substitute is. A pyramid scheme is a non-sustainable business model that involves the exchange of money in the main for enrolling other people into the scheme, without any product or service beingness delivered. Pyramid schemes are a form of fraud.The scheme collapses when no more people are willing to join the pyramid Planned obsolescence is the transit of a product becoming obsolete or non-functional after a certain period or amount of use in a way that is planned or designed by the manufacturer. The purpose of planned obsolescence is to hide the real cost per use from the consumer, and charge a higher(prenominal) price than they would otherwise be willing to pay, or would be indisposed to slip by all at once. For industries, planned obsolescence stimulates demand by supporting purchasers to buy sooner if they still want a functioning product.In business, vendor lock-in or customer lock-in, makes a customer dependent on a vendor for products and services, unable to use another vendor without actual switching costs. Lock-in costs which create barriers to market entry may result in antitrust action against a monopoly. Loyalty programs include patronise flier miles or points systems associated with credit card offers that can be used only with the original company, creating a perceiv ed loss or cost when switching to a competitor.Most programs are able to get consumers to spend more money just to get to free or support item. Viral marketing and viral advertising refer to marketing techniques that use pre-existing social networks to produce increases in brand awareness. It can be word-of-mouth delivered or enhanced by the network effects of the Internet. Monopolies and oligopolies practically use anti-competitive practices, which can have a negative impact on the economy. This is why company mergers are often examined closely by organization regulators to avoid reducing competition in an industry.Since this business caters to seniors and their families, it is especially grave for Senior Concierge Services to represent quality, value and confidence in its services and staff. The success of this company depends on compassionate, trust worthyy, conscientious, and ethical care givers providing non-medical in-home care. A different take on the loyalty program woul d allow customers to receive a discount after x amount of service visits or when prepaying for quaternary services. A marketing distribution channel analysis is a direction used to transfer merchandise from the manufacturer to the end user.An intermediary in the channel is called a middleman. Channels normally range from two-level conduct without intermediaries to five-level convey with three intermediaries. Intermediaries in the channel of distribution are used to despatch the delivery of the merchandise as strong as to transfer title, payments, and cultivation about the merchandise. Distribution describes all the logistics involved in delivering a companys products or services to the right place, at the right time, for the lowest cost. For many products and services, their manufacturers or providers use multiple impart of distribution.Well-chosen channels constitute a significant competitive advantage, while poorly conceived or chosen channels can doom even a top-flight pr oduct or service to failure in the market. Distribution channels may not be restricted to physical products alone. They may be just as important for moving a service from producer to consumer in certain sectors, since both direct and indirect channels may be used. There have also been some innovations in the distribution of services, such as an increase in franchising and in rental services. There has also been some indication hat service integration can benefit many providers. Senior Concierge Services will look to consort with other service providers to create a mutually beneficial arrangement. aesculapian providers, beauticians, landscapers and general contractors would all be a good fit with the services offered. A distribution strategy defines how a business is going to create and satisfy demand for its products how a business is going to move products from point of creation to points of consumption, in a cost-effective manner as well as defining how a business is going to m anage its onces customers shop and buy very differently than ever before. admission price to high-quality information, via the internet, combined with their heightened price sensitivity, has created customers that are more sophisticated, better informed and often times, more demanding than customers of the past. A distribution strategy must be in sync with how the customers of Senior Concierge Service want to shop for services. Franchising is an option worth considering. For a fee, a small business owner can take advantage of the marketing research completed at the corporate level.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Orgnizational structure of two companys Essay
Starbucks Corporation is an American global drinking chocolate guild and coffee bar chain. It is based in Seattle. It was founded in Pike Place Market in Seattle, Washington March 30, 1971.It is a public business and consist of 149,000 employers as of 2011.In Starbucks the Managers and subordinates a homogeneous be working with communications more efficiently. By having a Flat decentralized structure. Flat in the sense that Starbucks has few layers of management and broad span of control and decentralized meaning mangers and employers are allowed to take charge in the decision making instead of supply due to the fact that they take over close relationship with the customers.Also, since Starbucks specializes in coffee production and sales it cannot be considered a matrix organization. This is because unlike companies like apple and Microsoft where various projects take place on a routine basis, Starbucks just focuses on mainly coffee marketing and coffee production. Wal-MartWal -Mart is an American multinational retail corporation that runs chains of large discount discussion section terminuss and warehouse stores. The company is the worlds second largest public corporation. The company was founded by Sam Walton in 1962, incorporated on October 31, 1969, and publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange in 1972. It is headquartered in Bentonville, Arkansas. WalMart is also the largest food market retailer in the United States. Walmart has a total of 2.2 million employees as of 2013.Wal-Marts management structure and management style model is created or molded by Sam Waltons principles and values. Increasing size and geographic scope of Wal-Mart determined that the corporate executives should remain in touch with customers and store operations on a daily basis.This means that Walmart engages in a Centralized authority. Also, Wal-Marts regional vice presidents are responsible for inadvertence between 10 and 15 district managers. The divisional structure is split into three categories product, market, and geographic. This means also that walmart specializes in Departmentalization. Moreover, due to its type of industriousness (retail) not much projects need to be done. In other words, Wal-Mart is a line organization.To sum things up, the structure of Wal-Mart clearly defines the occasions of employees and lines of authority. By following divisional structure approach Wal-Mart has a flat Centralized structure which enables it to have a wide span of control and this plays a major role in decision making .Referenceshttp//,0,4717965.story http// http// http//
A critique of a film
Day by day, it is progressively more difficult to maintain safety in our society, since interactions between quite a little create dangers, either at high political level, or on the daily basis.We live not in the no-mans-land, so people accommodate to refreshful conditions and changing situations. Still, there are those, who cannot accept this environment and who, probably, cannot be accepted. Being busy with our education and careers, we simply have no cartridge holder to think carefully about the hidden threats of the environment, which can be actually aggressive, and even destruct our bodies.In the movie Safe, Carol White (Julianne Moore) lives with her hubby and stepson in a comfortable suburban home in California. Her action is completely predictable, and in spite of the fact that she has kin with her husband, she begins feeling spaced and then drained and depressed.Mysteriously, she falls ill with weird symptoms she experiences nose bleedings, dizziness and allergie s, and doctor attri onlyes it to stress. Having passed different tests, she understand that there is nothing physically injure with her, provided nevertheless she takes medication and changes her diet, getting of the all-fruit diet and cutting suffer diary products.When her condition doesnt go away, she gets a recommendation to experience psychiatrist. The problem with her mind is a reason for the illness. Carol finally understands the necessity, which requires of her to go to a place, where people who suffer from toxic allergies and those with AIDS can vindicated themselves, and, probably, the only place where she can feel safe.As the plot develops, it becomes clear that the treatment, received at hospital, is improper and probably, only worsens the situation. Hayness idea was to show the impotency of traditional medical science against new illnesses, caused by external irritants, only when destroy humans from inside. In the film, Carol combats a real ten-headed hydra, whic h responds to the new treatment courses with new painful fits of allergy.Carol drives her car and endures a coughing fir she breathes in her new perfumes and feels lightheadedness. Aerobic classes, which pursue a goal of serving her relax, are initially doomed to be unsuccessful she has never had latent hostility in her life, she has never had close relations, so there was no realm for either extremely positive or extremely negative emotions in her life. Thus, she cannot relax, because she never experiences stresses in pure medical meaning.Moreover, the medicaments Carol receives are irritants, as they also consist of toxins or other synthetic substances. On the contrary, Dunning chooses a different direction and creates some kind of cult, or community with genuine beliefs, values and philosophy. People living there find there adjunct and new system of coordinates, in which it is possible to consider their illness and divvy up with related inner problems.It is possible to no tice that by the end of the movie, she becomes progressively more shattered, and probably her affection breaks her and makes her re-evaluate the relationships which had existed in her life before she dismiss ill. She has a husband, bad hasnt given birth to children, because Carol endures the cosmea of a domestic plant, which should be carefully watered and supplied with the necessary nourishment, but whose opinion weighs like any plants opinion.It is possible to crease that her first steps were determined (or, at least, highly influenced) by her husband. To my view, her sickness is a force which makes her re-think her existence and understand that she had had only mechanical relationship with her husband, who even doesnt try to understand her and empty conversations with her friends, carpenter and drycleaner.The scene, which reinforce her sense of nobodiness is one where she looks at her husband from the bed and asks Where am I? At the moment?. He answers that she is in Carol a nd Gregs house, but she begins to cry, because this lush house has never belonged to her as well as her own life.
Monday, January 14, 2019
Be Able to Contribute to Planning Learning Activities Essay
Hello Harry I met you at the Hyatt Hotel in Birmingham and I rung to your assistant manager about my trip to Malawi. I Hope you be ok Below is a picture of me and you at villa part in 2010 WOW I had the most amazing opportunity to volunteer in Ghana for 6 weeks in July, its quiet unbeliev equal to(p) to be abandoned another opportunity to champion make people happy over again BUT Every volunteer MUST raise 800. ALL cash raised goes to projects whilst we are out there etc. I shall be working with Orphans and also teaching mothers how to educate their child. Im decision it extremely difficult to raise my fundraising target and I have 635 to go until lively minds (company im overtaking with) are happy with my fundraising, Its totally stressing me out as I have to pay for my own flights too Which is an additional 700 and approach from a single parent family on a council estate is hard, I just want to make myself proud and have a beloved life This is the only thing that makes me happy, Lifes pretty dull to be direct . But when Im making others happy and putting smiles on the faces of children who truly have nothing to live for, but keep going and keep fighting their everyday life makes me happy about myself. When I spoke to you before the game you said you woul help me reach my fundraising target. I truly hope that is still possible so i brook then the company can lay off my back and I concentrate on raising my flight costs. It would mean the world if you could help me on this quest. To be able to relax and know i am going to Ghana and not telling people Maybe depending on if i achieve my fundraising target would be HARRYmazing << Haha.. Bad joke i know Thankyou for your kindness and ill thoroughly appreciate anything you are able to do to help me reach my target goal Thank you so much All the best take care Jordan GoodridgePlease adjudge my just giving page Twitter -JordangoodridgeThese pictures were when i vol unteered in Malawi in July September 2012 working with orphans who had HIV/AIDS. I hope you are able to help me reach my target Thankyou
Saturday, January 12, 2019
Fast Food, Fat Food Essay
Nowa twenty-four hour periods, debauched f are is a very favorite crook in Thailand. Teenagers think it is very ingenious when they go into the stiff sustenance eatery, especi bothy, the restaurant which is a part of foreign immunity restaurants. Not scarce teenagers that like solid viands that besides children and adults. In the busy schedule of modern quantify sight have no cartridge clip to prepare nutritious nourishment during the day so fast intellectual nourishment becomes a very convenient choice. However, thither are several wellness issues related to down fast sustenance one near concern is the connection between fast food and obesity.Be stool of the growth of fast food restaurants, you bum see them located anywhere in daily life. For example, on the offset printing floor of MBK Centre, there are many fast food restaurants, much(prenominal) as KFC, McDonalds and Burger King situated non far from each other. However, at lunch time, you can non fin d any seats if you fix late. Similarly, at Chulalongkorn University there are much than 5 branches of 7-eleven, which is a shop where you can buy fast food such as sandwiches, hot dogs, and hamburgers. You would think that there are not many people there.Although there are many branches, students also have to wait in a long queue. This can show how customary fast food is. unshakable food is very popular not merely in Thailand but also on the whole everywhere the world. The information from Wikipedia showed that Burger King has more(prenominal) than 11,100 restaurants in more than 65 countries, pizza Hut is located in 97 countries with 100 branches in China, KFC is located in 25 countries and McDonalds is located in 120 countries on 6 continents and operates over 31,000 restaurants worldwide. Although fast food is very popular, it is not good for wellness because fast food is often gamy in carbohydrates, ample and sodium. Common menu items at fast food restaurants are frie d chicken, cut fries, hot dogs and ice cream. All of them are made of mordacious ingredients such as low quality scratch line, gritty plentiful meat and salinity. The fast food bread is made from refined grains that have been special from their natural composition, so a divide of the nutrients in grains are removed, remaining solely excessive starchy.Next ingredient is the mettlesome fat meat which can cause several health problems. Fat from animal(prenominal) sources is saturated fat that increased the worse cholesterol (LDL) levels which results in adverse negatively charged effects on the health of individuals heart (The Importance of dietary Fat and Cholesterol). The last endangermentous ingredient is the thing that makes fast food has a delicious taste it is salt or sodium chloride.Scientists from the Scientific informative Committee on sustainment press only 4 grams of salt per day because overconsumption of salt w tired of(p) cause high blood pressure and obe sity (qtd. in Salt). In fact, according to the change survey, a Pizza Hut repast deal, which consisted of a Cheesy Bites Meat Feast, a medium Super Supreme, a theatrical role of garlic bread, a portion of potato wedges, chicken wings, and a cheesecake dessert overlap equally between four, could contain 12. 3 grams of salt per person (qtd. n Fast food salt levels shocking). battalion are increasingly being warned against the ill effects of fast food and the authorisation damage they pose to human health (Manohar). Many publications write about health problems from fast food such as nutrition deficiencies, increased cholesterol levels and diabetes. However, the virtually concern is obesity because this can affaire to many other dangerous health problems. One reason that fast food can cause obesity is because of its high calories.In one day, men train about 2,700 calories and women need about 2,000 calories but you can get excess calories from only one meal with fast food. For e xample, a KFC meal set includes KFC famous bowls (Rice and Gravy), a breast of fried chicken, a box of French fries and a 32-oz Gulp of Pepsi. You can gain 790 calories from the bowl, 370 calories from the chicken, cholecalciferol calories from French fries and 425 calories from Pepsi, so from all of these you will have about 2,085 calories (KFC Nutrition Guide).As a importee from the warning in many publications, the danger of fast food is widely known. However, no matter people know how it is joined to many health problems, it is also the popular choice. We cannot avoid fast food tout ensemble in our day-to-day life considering its taste, gubbins and instant delivery. Fast food is suitable to our everyday lifestyle, but, as we know, a infinitesimal bit of everything is always good piece overexposure to that little bit is disastrous more often than not. Fast food is not an exception to this.
Thursday, January 10, 2019
Three Major Exceptions
Employment-At-Will principle Employment-At-Will Doctrine collar major exclusions From my enquiry of this topic it Is obvious that the united States Is gloss over the only industrialized nation that lacks a national illicit dismissal statute. The causality for the lack of such is non of dividing line the federal official official structure of the united States. In the United States, employees without a written interlocking contract gener aloney croupe be pink-slipped for commodity grammatical case, unhealthful cause, or no cause at all Judicial exceptions to the rules seek to prevent unlawful terminations. The involvement-at-wil article of reliance is not without ts limits.Terminations initiated by the employer must(prenominal) not be discriminatory or in violation of specific federal or state laws. This is a good example of consumption -at- will doctrine the employer is legally prohibited from taking each untoward barter action against an employee because of hi s or her race, gender, age. disability, national origin, or any some early(a) legally comforted characteristic or activity. Like so many otherwise great deal and workers in the united States we hope that satisfactory job bring to passances should be rewarded with other benefits and job security.As an mployee you feel that you wont get fired if you perform your Job well b atomic number 18ly this has eroded in new decades in the face of an increased incidence of rush layoffs, reductions in companys workforce, and Job turnovers. In the outlast half of the 19th century, employment In the united states has been at will or termin suitable by either the employer or employee for any reason whatsoever. The employment-at-will doctrine vows that when an employee does not have a written employment contract and the term of employment is of one(prenominal) duration, the employer can terminate the employee for good cause, incompetent cause, or no cause at all.The courts viewed the rel ationships in the midst of employer and employee as organism on equal footing In cost of bargaining power. It is believed that the employment-at-will doctrine reflected the belief that people should be free to enter into employment contracts of a specified duration, but that no obligations attached to either employer or employee it a person was hired without a contract. Because employees were able to resign from positions they no longer cared to occupy employers were permitted to fall asleep employees at their whim. As you apprisal the industrial revolution planted the seeds for the wearing away f the employment-at-will doctrine.When employees began forming unions, the Of3 collective Dargalnlng agreements tney negotlatea wltn employers Trequently naa provisions in them that required Just cause for adverse employment actions, as well as procedures for arbitrating employee grievances. These protections reflected the changing view of the relationship between employer and employee . Rather than seeing the relationship as being on equal footing, courts and legislatures easily began to tell that employers frequently have geomorphological and economic advantages when negotiating with potential or on-line(prenominal) employees.It is the recognition of employment as being central to a persons livelihood and well-being, linked with the fear of being unable to protect a person livelihood from unjust termination, led to the development of common-law, or Judicial, exceptions to the employment-at-will doctrine. The tierce major exceptions to the employment-at-will doctrine is principally orchestrate terminations that although they technically comply with the employment-at-will requirements, do not seem Just. Another exception prevents terminations for reasons that pause a States macrocosm insurance.Another have sexd exception prohibits terminations after an implied contract for employment has been completed such a contract can be created through employer re presentations of continued employment, in form of either oral assurances or expectations created by employer handbooks, policies, or other written assurances. Finally a minority of states has glance over an implied covenant of good faith and ordinary dealing into the employment relationship. The good faith covenant has been interpreted in diametrical ways, meaning that terminations must be for cause to eaning that terminations cannot be made in bad faith or with malice intended.There are only six western States that recognize all three of the major exceptions and three southern States that do not recognize any of the three major exceptions to employment at will. Remember the public indemnity exceptions is when an employer may not fire an employee if it would bollix up the states public insurance policy doctrine or a state or federal statute. This includes retaliating against an employee for performing an action that complies with public policy as well as refusing to perform an action hat would violate public policy. There are forty-three U.S. states and the territory of Columbia recognize public policy as an exception to the at-will rule. In finale suits seeking damages for constructive discharge in which an employee alleges that he or she was strained to resign, and for wrongful transfer or wrongful demotion have increased in recent years. Accordingly, nowadays employers must be scare off when they seek to end an employment relationship for good cause, bad cause, or, most importantly, no cause at all.
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