
Monday, March 11, 2019

Homelessness and Print Ad

Cassandra Allen June 26, 2012 English 1101 Ms. Kristen Miller Homelessness Do you think you kindle make it? any(prenominal)times, I wonder how others whoremonger. Others, could what you may ask? Live on the highroad be homeless. Homelessness my affect the person sitting next to you, your exceed friend, or even your close family members. Just because they suppose like they ar not homeless does not mean they arent. When you watch a technical or even view a picture in the theme about homeless people, what do you ask yourself first? Which one do you think captures your attention more to make you feel like you lack to help make a change?In this essay I will compare two mediums a television set and sign ad which deals with homelessness and enter you how emotional appeal ties twain mediums to lay downher. I in any case, will show you how I think more emotional appeal is shown in the flick than in the print ad. Emotional appeal is showed in homelessness whether it is when you are saddened by looking at a homeless person on the street or even hearing them begging for something. When you take a look at the print ad, you spend a penny to think a picture is deserving a thousand words and what does this mean.The print ad states the following When you sink to the fall in Way, youre helping homeless people overcome the obstacles in their lives by providing things like shelter, hot meals, and training programs. With get together Way funded agencies helping so many in our community, make a difference is easier than you think. The statement you have just read is posted on the print ad and it is onerous to promote awareness about homelessness. The print ad does a enceinte job of showing emotion. In the picture on the print ad, you can chequer a persons hand is trying to nurse a homeless man from lying on the street in the rain.This picture explains a story that helping hands can be used to help shelter people around us in need. If we join hand in hand th at we can make a difference in a homeless persons life. In the Aloha United Way 2008 homelessness commercial, it shows you how normal everyday people receive homeless not just because they wanted to simply because they were force to. The gibe in this picture show was able to join a shelter. Living in this shelter helped the couple acquire jobs to help themselves. This shelter was funded by the United Way.By helping fund organizations like this, you can help like I did and take part in rewriting the stories of over 2,400 homeless people. So, by viewing this video it shows you that you may not be homeless but it can happen to you also as well as me. This commercial makes homelessness turn into reality and shows you how it can really be. Just like the print ad both are funded by the United Way organization. Some people may feel like the print ad and the video ad affect them in the same way. In my opinion I think the video should impact your emotions more. By watching this, you wi ll see and hear someones testimony.So the video has more visualization and also has audio frequency while the print ad just has the one picture. I feel like the print ad leaves you asking questions. Both the video and print ads are helpful in ways that they help get the message across about homelessness and promote awareness. In this essay I have talked with you about a print and video ad that both target homelessness. I have explained to you that the video ad is more likable to me. In the sense that the print ad you have visualization but no audio as the video have both which the audio is a testimony.So, think about what I have explain to you now and ask yourself which one would you use to get more funding for the United Way organization. Bibliography AUW808. Aloha United Way 2008 Homelessness Commercial. YouTube. YouTube, 16 June 2008. Web. 26 June 2012. . Way, United. Without You. there Would Be No Way. Digital image. Coloribus. com. United Way, 17 Apr. 2008. Web. 26 June 20 12. .

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